Monday, September 27, 2010

This Is My Confession

Well, its not glee's mash up, ITS MY LIFE/CONFESSION. Its actually what happened just now and I can't wait to tell it!! Gahahaha!! Why am I laughing like that?!

This morning, I went to school.. Duh, it is Monday? So, yeah, it went like always. Then, Oya said that Afiq, my cousin, texted her. Well, I admit I'm kinda jealous coz he's been busy with his trial exams and it was cool. So, he didn't text me for quite a long time. Of course I'm jealous! With my own best friend? That's just too much. Then, I thought about it. If I'm jealous even when he texted with my best friend, doesn't it mean I'm crushing on him. The answer, YES! I am crushing on him.

So, about 4 o'clock, he finally texted me. I was like yeahh!! So, I told him the truth what I feel about him and I'm glad he accept it. Duhh, he told me he loves me so its fair and square and rhombus and circle and... What am I talking about?!

That was the first confession. The second one is I confessed to Venecca and Muiz how I hate Jiha. Trust me, she's the most annoying human being you've ever met. She is jealous with me and Oya coz both of us are close with her bf. Like so what?! So, I told Muiz and Venecca how I felt and I felt really great.

You see, when we confess something in your heart to someone, you're gonna be in so much relieve. No burdens..